JavaScript Chapter 6 Dates and Times

Javascript Dates and Time

Javascript has a lot of inbuilt methods you can use to get the date and time. Create a new web page from your template and try out the code for the dates and times used in this section. (However, all the value come from your computer. If the your clock has the wrong time or date then Javascript won't correct it.)

The first thing you need to do is to create a new Date object:
var the_date = new Date();
Note the use of the keyword new. After a space you type the word Date (capital "D"). This is followed by a pair of round brackets. This is enough to create a new date object, which we've assign to a variable called the_date. To see what this prints out, add the following line:
document.write( the_date + "<BR>");
You should find that it prints out quite a lot of information: the day of the week, the month, the day of the month, and then the time. You'll also find that the Date object prints out information to do with GMT (or UTC as it's now known). It will tell you how far ahead or behind the Greenwich Meridian you are.
You can, however, add arguments between the round brackets of Date. The full list of arguments is:
Date( year, month, day [, hour, minute, second, millisecond ] )
Only the first three arguments are required. Try your birthday between the round brackets of Date:
var birthday = (1990, 10, 25);
For the month value, January is 0 and December is 11. Hour values are from 0 to 23.

Once you have a Date object you have quite a lot of inbuilt properties available to you. These allow you to get just the parts of the date and time that you require.Let's have a look at them.

Get the year

If you just want the year, add getFullYear to the end of your date object. Like this:
var the_date = new Date();
var year = the_date.getFullYear();
document.write(year + "<BR>");
You can also use getUTCYear. There is a slight difference between the two: FullYear gets the locale year, the one we all get globally. But if it's 31st December and heading towards Jan 1 of the next year then the locale year could be wrong; UTCFullYear gets the universal year - in other words, it corrects for the end of year problem. It's up to you which one you want to use.

Get the month

To get the month of the year, use getMonth:
var month = the_date.getMonth();
document.write( month + "<BR>");
However, this will only get you a number from 0 to 11 (0 is January and 11 December). If you want to turn it into an actual month you'll need your own function. In the code below, we've set up an array to hold all the month names:
A customised array of months in Javascript
You can then call this function like this:
document.write( months_of_the_year( month ) + "<BR>");
With month being a number you can use it to access a position in the array. The return value will then be whatever text is at that position.
You can even customise your month array. So if you want the months in French, for example, you could do this:
Customised months
You don't have to use an array. You can use a switch statement, if you prefer, with each case a month number.

Get the day of the month

To get the day of the month, rather oddly you need getDate. This doesn't get you today's date but a number from 1 to 31, which is the day of the month.
var day_of_month = the_date.getDate();
document.write( day_of_month + "<BR>" );

Get the weekday

To get the day of the week you use getDay. A number from 0 to 6 will be returned, with 0 being Sunday and 6 being Saturday:
var weekday = the_date.getDay();
document.write( weekday + "<BR>");
Again, you can set up a function to return a name from the weekday number:
Weekday array in Javascript
To call the function you can then do this:
document.write( day_of_week(weekday) + "<BR>");

Get the hours, the minutes, and the seconds

To get the various part of the time, you can use getHours, getMinutes, and getSeconds:
Get the time parts
You can then join then together through concatenation:
document.write( hours +":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + "<BR>");
If you want ordinals at the end of your month day then you will have to write your own function. (An ordinal is the st, nd, rd, or th at the end of the number, like 1st, 2nd 3rd, 4th.) The function below returns the ordinal for a month day:
Javascript function to get the ordinal of a date
Here, we've used a switch statement. In English, for the numbers 1 to 31, there are only 7 endings that are not "th". The switch statement tests what is in the variable called day. It returns the ending corresponding to the number, or a default of "th".
To call this function you could then do this:
document.write( day_of_month + ordinal( day_of_month ) );

And that's it for dates and times. Play around with them and see how you get on.
