HTML Form Tags
Main Form Tags | Comments |
Form | Create a HTML form |
Name | Add a name for your form |
Method | Select a method, GET or POST |
Action | Say where the form should be sent |
Input | Create a HTML form element |
Type | Select a type of form element |
Label | Add a label for a form element |
Value | A value for your form elements |
HTML Form Elements
Input Types | Comments |
Button | Create a clickable button |
Checkbox | Create a checkbox |
Hidden | Create a hidden form element |
Image | Specify an image to be used as a button |
Password | Set up a password box |
Radio | Create a radio/option button |
Reset | Create a reset button |
Submit | Create a submit button for your forms |
Text | Create a text box |
HTML5 Form Elements and Attributes
HTML5 Form Elements | Comments and Options |
Placeholder | Placeholder text |
Required | Require an element to be filled in |
Email text box | |
URL | URL text box |
Number | Number spinners |
Range | Sliders with a range of numbers |
Date/Time | Date and time textbox or calendar |
Search | A search box |
Color | Colour picker |
Datalist | Used with datalists are LIST, OPTION, VALUE, LABEL |
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