Chapter 12 Word Options in Microsoft Word

Displaying the Word Options

There are lots of hidden settings you can change in Microsoft Word. To see them in Word 2007, click the round Office button in the top left. From the menu, click theWord Options button at the bottom:
Word 2007 showing the Office menu
In Word 2010, click the File tab. From then menu on the left, select Options. (Rather confusingly it looks like the Info tab is selected. This is Micrsofot's fault, not ours!):
Tjhe Options item in Word 2010
When you click on Options or Word Options you'll see a dialogue box appear. This one in Word 2007:
Word Options, 2007
And this one in Word 2010:
Word Options, 2010
The list on the left leads to more options. The first item is the Popular tab (Generalin Word 2010). It shows you the "Top options for working with Word". One you might want to change is to get rid of the mini toolbar. The mini toolbar appears every time you select some text. It's this one:
The mini toolbar
If it's annoying you, uncheck the box on the Popular or General tab that says "Show Mini Toolbar on selection". When you click OK on the Word Options dialogue box the mini toolbar won't appear anymore when you select some text.
If you don't do any programming with Microsoft Word then you can also uncheck the box "Show Developer tab in the Ribbon". If you've worked with Macros before then check this box, because you'll need it. (If you need the developer tab in Word 2010, click on Customize Ribbon. Under Choose commands From, select Custom Tabs and Groups. From the Main tabs check boxes, select Developer.)
The default colour for Word is blue in version 2007 and Silver in Word 2010. Click the Color scheme box to see more. Sadly, there are only two others, Silver and Black.

Changing the Language Settings

If you want to work in a language other than the default one, click the Language Settings button on the Popular tab, if you have Word 2007:
The Langugae Settings button in Word 2007
You'll then see this dialogue box:
The Language Settings dialogue box
Select a language from the top list on the left, then click the Add button. Or select a language on the top right list and click Remove, if you no longer want it. You may also need to select the language from the list at the bottom, under Primary editing language. There is, however, limited support for some languages.
If you want to change language settings in Word 2010, click the Language menu item on the left of the Word Options dialogue box. You'll then see this appear:
The Language tab in Word 2010
Click on the dropdown box that says "Add additional editing languages" to see a list of languages. Select the one you want from the list, then click the Add button. In the image below, we've added Welsh to our Editing languages. Note that there is also a button to set this one as the Default language:
The Welsh language has been added in Word 2010
Look under the Proofing (Spelling, Grammar … ), however, and you'll see "Not Installed". Click this link to go to Microsoft's website where you can choose a language pack to install. Sadly, Welsh is not available as a language pack, so we're out of luck! (Note: 2007 language packs won't work with the 2010 version.)

Proofing Options

There are quite a few options on the Proofing tab. Click it on the left of the Word Options dialogue box to see the following list of things you can set:
The Proofing tab in Word 2007 and Word 2010
The button at the top is for AutoCorrect Options. You've seen this before when we set up a shortcut for a name. (We wanted Ken Carney to appear in place of the letters KC.)
If you get tired of seeing green underlines everywhere on your page, you can uncheck the box for "Check grammar errors as you type". If you don't want Word to check your spelling as you type, uncheck its box. You can still check for these errors, though. Just click the Spelling & Grammar item on the Review tab at the top of Word.

Advanced Options

There are a few of options on the Advanced tab you may want to change. The advanced tab looks like this:
The Advanced tab on the Word Options dialogue box
To change the measurements that Word uses, click the list box to the right of "Show measurements in units of", under the Display options. As you can see, we're using centimetres. But if you prefer inches, select it from the list.
Another advanced option you may want to change is where on your computer Word saves your documents. The default location is in the Documents folder (My Documents in Windows XP). To change this scroll down to the bottom of the Advanced options tab and locate the General list. Then click the File Locationsbutton:
File Locations button
When you click the File Locations button you'll see the following dialogue box appear:
The File Locations dialogue box
The first item on the list is Documents. Every time you click the Open button on the Office menu, or Save As, the dialogue box will show the contents of the folder specified under Location in the image above. For us, this is theC:\Users\Owner\Documents folder.
If you wanted a different location, if you have created a folder for yourself called Word_Documents, for example, then you can click the Modify button. You'll then see this dialogue box:
Modify Locations
We have selected a folder that we created called Word_Documents, which is in theDocuments folder. When you click OK, the File Locations box will look like this:
The default location has been changed
As you can see, the Documents line above is now pointing to our new Word_Documents folder. Now when we click the round Office button or the File tab and then the Open item, the dialogue box will display the Word_Documents folder:
The Open dialogue box changed from the default location
If you change your mind and want to go back to default location, just remember that you need to navigate to the folder in Computer > C Drive > Users > Owner > My Documents.

Add or Remove items from the Quick Access Toolbar

You can customize the Quick Access toolbar in Microsoft Word. The Quick Access toolbar is the one just to the right of the round Office button (or just above the File tab in Word 2010). This one:
The three items currently on the Quick Access toolbar above are the Save icon, Undo, and Redo. If you look closely at the image above, you'll see an arrow pointing down:
Click the arrow to reveal a menu. This one:
The items with check marks next to them are the ones currently in the Quick Access toolbar. Clicking the More Commands option brings up the Customize tab on the Word Option dialogue box (the Quick Access Toolbar tab will be displayed in Word 2010). This one:
The idea is that you select an item from the left-hand list, then click the Add button. When you click OK, the item gets added to the Quick Access toolbar. To remove an item, select it from the right-hand list, then click the Remove button.
But click on Popular Commands at the top. You'll then see a list of items appear:
Select Commands Not in the Ribbon and the list box underneath will change. In the image below, we've chosen Microsoft Excel as something we want on the Quick Access toolbar. That way, we have a fast way to open Excel:
The next image shows that our chosen item has been added to the list on the right:
In the next image, we've chosen the Excel item from the list box on the right:
The two arrows allow you to move your selection up and down. So, if we wanted to have the Excel item as the first one, we left-click to select it. Then click on the UP arrow to move it to the top of the list. Notice, too, that we've also added the Change Case item to appear on the Quick Access toolbar.
Have a look at the list of items and add your own choices. Click OK when you're done. Your Quick Access toolbar will then look something like this:
The Quick Access toolbar comes in very useful and saves you hunting around all the different tabs for the item you want.

How to Set Up Keyboard Shorcuts

Another useful item on the Customize tab is the Customize button just to the right ofKeyboard Shortcuts:
The Keyboard shortcuts button on the Customize tab
In Word 2010, you need to click on the Customize Ribbon tab to see the keyboard shortcuts.
Click the Customize button to see the following dialogue box:
The Customize Keyboard dialogue box
An example of a keyboard shortcut is to press the CTRL key on your keyboard. Keep it held down and press then letter F. This will bring up the Find and Replacedialogue box.
In the image above, this very shortcut has been selected. Under Categories we selected the Home Tab, which is where the Find and Replace dialogue box is located. Under Commands, we've select EditFind. The shortcut itself then shows up in the Current Keys text box (Ctrl + F).
A lot of the items on the Commands list don't have shortcuts, however. So you need to set your own, if one hasn't been assigned. Examine the Image below:
A new keyboard shortcut has been created
The Insert tab in Word is where you'll find the Picture item. Clicking this brings up a dialogue box. You then select the image you want to insert into your Word document.
We use the Picture item a lot so have set up a shortcut key for it. After selecting the items we want in the first two boxes at the top (Categories and Commands) we then click into the text box below "Press new shortcut key". After holding down the CTRL key and the question mark key these then appear in the text box. The Current keys text box is blank, and this tells us that our chosen shortcut keys are not being used (Currently assigned to: [unassigned]). If you see shortcuts already in the Current keys text box then it means those keys are already in use. When we were happy with our shortcut keys we then clicked the Assign button in the bottom left. After returning to Word we were then able to press Ctrl + ? to bring up the Insert Picture dialogue box.
