; PIANO.ASM [ - For DOS - ]
; Simple PC Speaker Piano Keyboard
; Freeware from Evenbit
.model tiny
org 100h
main: jmp start
stor dw 0 ;our memory location storage
; Turn the cursor off.
call curs_off ;go turn off cursor
; Get a keypress from the user, and act accordingly.
; (We're checking U.S. keyboard scan codes here.)
mov ah,0 ;function 0 - wait for keypress
int 16h ;call ROM BIOS keyboard services
cmp ah,1 ;ESC key pressed?
je exit ;yes, so go exit
cmp ah,02h
je tone_1
cmp ah,03h
je tone_2
cmp ah,04h
je tone_3
cmp ah,05h
je tone_4
cmp ah,06h
je tone_5
cmp ah,07h
je tone_6
cmp ah,08h
je tone_7
cmp ah,09h
je tone_8
cmp ah,0ah
je tone_9
cmp ah,0bh
je tone_0
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
call curs_on ;go turn cursor on
int 20h ;exit to DOS
mov ax, 272
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 294
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 314
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 330
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 350
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 370
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 392
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 419
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 440
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 475
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
; Our sub-routines start here.
; Turn cursor off.
mov ch,10h ;set bits to turn cursor off
mov ah,1 ;function 1 - cursor control
int 10h ;call ROM BIOS video services
ret ;return to caller
; Turn cursor on.
mov cx,0506h ;set bits to turn cursor on
mov ah,1 ;function 1 - cursor control
int 10h ;call ROM BIOS video services
ret ;return to caller
; Generate sound through the PC speaker.
mov al,10110110b ;load control word
out 43h,al ;send it
mov ax,stor ;tone frequency
out 42h,al ;send LSB
mov al,ah ;move MSB to AL
out 42h,al ;save it
in al,61h ;get port 61 state
or al,00000011b ;turn on speaker
out 61h,al ;speaker on now
call delay ;go pause a little bit
and al,11111100b ;clear speaker enable
out 61h,al ;speaker off now
call clr_keyb ;go clear the keyboard buffer
ret ;return to caller
mov ah,00h ;function 0 - get system timer tick
int 01Ah ;call ROM BIOS time-of-day services
add dx,4 ;add our delay value to DX
mov bx,dx ;store result in BX
int 01Ah ;call ROM BIOS time-of-day services
cmp dx,bx ;has the delay duration passed?
jl pozz ;no, so go check again
ret ;return to caller
; Clear the keyboard buffer.
push es ;preserve ES
push di ;preserve DI
mov ax,40h ;BIOS segment in AX
mov es,ax ;transfer to ES
mov ax,1Ah ;keyboard head pointer in AX
mov di,ax ;transfer to DI
mov ax,1Eh ;keyboard buffer start in AX
mov es: word ptr [di],ax ;transfer to head pointer
inc di ;bump pointer to...
inc di ;...keyboard tail pointer
mov es: word ptr [di],ax ;transfer to tail pointer
pop di ;restore DI
pop es ;restore ES
ret ;return to caller
end main
; PIANO.ASM [ - For DOS - ]
; Simple PC Speaker Piano Keyboard
; Freeware from Evenbit
.model tiny
org 100h
main: jmp start
stor dw 0 ;our memory location storage
; Turn the cursor off.
call curs_off ;go turn off cursor
; Get a keypress from the user, and act accordingly.
; (We're checking U.S. keyboard scan codes here.)
mov ah,0 ;function 0 - wait for keypress
int 16h ;call ROM BIOS keyboard services
cmp ah,1 ;ESC key pressed?
je exit ;yes, so go exit
cmp ah,02h
je tone_1
cmp ah,03h
je tone_2
cmp ah,04h
je tone_3
cmp ah,05h
je tone_4
cmp ah,06h
je tone_5
cmp ah,07h
je tone_6
cmp ah,08h
je tone_7
cmp ah,09h
je tone_8
cmp ah,0ah
je tone_9
cmp ah,0bh
je tone_0
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
call curs_on ;go turn cursor on
int 20h ;exit to DOS
mov ax, 272
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 294
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 314
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 330
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 350
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 370
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 392
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 419
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 440
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
mov ax, 475
mov stor, ax
call sounder ;go generate the tone
jmp get_key ;go get another keypress
; Our sub-routines start here.
; Turn cursor off.
mov ch,10h ;set bits to turn cursor off
mov ah,1 ;function 1 - cursor control
int 10h ;call ROM BIOS video services
ret ;return to caller
; Turn cursor on.
mov cx,0506h ;set bits to turn cursor on
mov ah,1 ;function 1 - cursor control
int 10h ;call ROM BIOS video services
ret ;return to caller
; Generate sound through the PC speaker.
mov al,10110110b ;load control word
out 43h,al ;send it
mov ax,stor ;tone frequency
out 42h,al ;send LSB
mov al,ah ;move MSB to AL
out 42h,al ;save it
in al,61h ;get port 61 state
or al,00000011b ;turn on speaker
out 61h,al ;speaker on now
call delay ;go pause a little bit
and al,11111100b ;clear speaker enable
out 61h,al ;speaker off now
call clr_keyb ;go clear the keyboard buffer
ret ;return to caller
mov ah,00h ;function 0 - get system timer tick
int 01Ah ;call ROM BIOS time-of-day services
add dx,4 ;add our delay value to DX
mov bx,dx ;store result in BX
int 01Ah ;call ROM BIOS time-of-day services
cmp dx,bx ;has the delay duration passed?
jl pozz ;no, so go check again
ret ;return to caller
; Clear the keyboard buffer.
push es ;preserve ES
push di ;preserve DI
mov ax,40h ;BIOS segment in AX
mov es,ax ;transfer to ES
mov ax,1Ah ;keyboard head pointer in AX
mov di,ax ;transfer to DI
mov ax,1Eh ;keyboard buffer start in AX
mov es: word ptr [di],ax ;transfer to head pointer
inc di ;bump pointer to...
inc di ;...keyboard tail pointer
mov es: word ptr [di],ax ;transfer to tail pointer
pop di ;restore DI
pop es ;restore ES
ret ;return to caller
end main
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